Wednesday, November 25 2020 9:22

Good to Know / December 2020

Written by County Lines Magazine

Just a few things we’d thought you’d like to know this month.

Distant Traditions.

Getting cozy by the fire, snuggling under a blanket, and gathering to watch a favorite holiday movie with the extended family is as important as decorating the tree. But with big gatherings on hold, get into the holiday spirit safely this season with the free Chrome extension, Teleparty, that synchronizes streaming services between devices. Distant family members can watch favorite holiday classics together—Polar Express, Home Alone and Love Actually—without actually getting together. Plan your holiday streaming now!

Season’s Socks.

Guaranteed to knock your socks off, December 4th marks the less-appreciated winter holiday—National Sock Day. Celebrate the rarest of all marriages, a matching pair of socks. Don’t know how to mark the occasion? Match your socks with friends, family and even pets, then show off your best toe-tapping pairs on social media with #NationalSockDay. The Day’s creators and sock company, Pair of Thieves, will donate socks and care kits to those in need with every hashtag posted.


Wrapping Up.

This year avoid spending on expensive wrapping paper only for it to be torn to shreds—literally. Instead of watching your money be ripped up in seconds in the excitement, and soon tossed in the trash, try using inexpensive, recycled material like newspapers and brown paper. Not only do these wrapping alternatives save money and reduce paper waste—they’re also stylish! Top the gift with twine and live greens so your package is completely recycled and guilt proof.


The Giving Season.

In-person volunteering may be on hold, but there are other options for helping. All you need is to open a computer, a book and your heart to give back this season. Volunteer with Bookshare—a free online library serving those with print disabilities—visual impairment, dyslexia and cerebral palsy. Volunteers simply scan new books or proofread previously scanned files, all from home! Join the giving season by volunteering on their website.


Winter Walks.

Need a reason to get out of the house? You’re in luck! Willistown Conservation Trust has an educational walk through Kirkwood Preserve to show the untouched December grasslands where many bird species nests. Join the free “Winter of the World” trail walk on December 10th to see the pristine grasslands. You might even catch a blue-gray gnatcatcher or magnolia warbler preparing for winter. Spaces are limited so register in advance at