Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I find information about advertising opportunities?
Our Advertise page on this website has contact information, our media kit and more.
How do I contact advertising directly?
Call our office at 610-918-9300. We will put you in touch with your Account Executive.
If you don’t find your answer below, feel free to call us directly at 610-918-9300.
How many times per year is County Lines published?
We publish 12 issues each year.
Can I pay for a subscription with a check?
Yes. If you prefer not to subscribe online on our Subscribe page, make out your check to County Lines Magazine and mail it to 515 S. Franklin Street, Suite 100, West Chester, PA 19382. Please include a note with your name and mailing address along with your check. Subscription rates are: One Year—$19.50; Two Years—$37.50; Three Years—$52.50.
I’m moving and need to change the address on my account. How can I do that?
Update your address by emailing us at [email protected] or calling us at 610-918-9300.
Can I suspend my subscription when I’m out of town and then re-start it?
Yes. Email us at [email protected], and include your name and mailing address along with the date to suspend delivery (or issues to suspend) and the date (or issue) to resume your subscription.
How can I purchase County Lines magazine as a gift for a friend?
Our Subscribe page allows you to purchase the magazine and ship it to a separate address.
After I subscribe, when can I expect to receive my first County Lines issue?
To receive the upcoming issue, please place your order online before the 3rd of the preceding month. If your order is submitted after the 3rd, your first issue will not be mailed until the month following the upcoming issue. For example, to get the January issue, place your order online by December 3rd.
What stores carry County Lines Magazine?
Check our Get A Copy page for monthly updates of places and events distributing County Lines. Several local newsstands—Bryn Mawr News Agency, Berwyn News Agency and Paoli News Agency—plus Wegmans, sell copies.
Can I purchase a digital edition of County Lines?
Yes. Go to the Subscribe page and select Digital issue. The rate is $12 per year.
What do I do if I don’t get my issue by the first of the month?
Although we expect most magazines to be delivered during the final week of the preceding month, we have no control over the delivery schedule of local letter carriers. We suggest you check first with your local post office. If you don’t receive you issue after the first working day of the month, call our office at 610-918-9300 for a replacement copy.
How can I get my event listed in your magazine and online?
Send your event information to [email protected] about 6 weeks prior to the month of the event. We list as many events of interest as space allows in the magazine, in our twice-a-month Events Newsletter and in the online Events Calendar. Please also email us a high-resolution photo for the event.
How do I order back issues?
Back issues may be ordered, if available, by calling our office at 610-918-9300. The charge is $5 per issue.
Does County Lines offer an internship program?
Yes. Interns get the chance to learn skills in a variety of areas including editorial, marketing/public relations, graphic design, photography and digital marketing. Internships are for credit only, and though unpaid, are a great way to explore career options and gain experience outside the classroom. For more information, contact our editor, Jo Anne Durako, at [email protected].