Good to Know / April 2020
Stroud Proud. The Stroud Water Research Center is in the spotlight this month thanks to Visionaries, Inc.’s documentary series highlighting their work, to be broadcast on PBS. Stroud will appear in an episode featuring scenes of their research team in Costa Rica and of their Avondale headquarters. Since 1967, Stroud has been committed to finding solutions for preserving and restoring fresh water. Now its mission will be broadcasted across the country with its PBS debut. Watch local!
Meet for Green Drinks. And we don’t mean kale shots! Green Drinks are informal monthly meetups for eco-minded workers and supporters that have spread to over 600 cities around the globe. To participate locally, the Chester County Environmental Alliance is hosting a Green Drinks meetup on the 22nd—no coincidence that’s also the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Head to the Slyfox Brewpub in Phoenixville around 7 p.m. and mingle with other greenies. 520 Kimberton Rd., Phoenixville. More at
Say ‘I Do’ Sustainably. Weddings can produce tons of waste and CO2 emissions, but you can reduce your first carbon footprint as a married couple. Find the dress of your dreams at Downingtown’s Blessing Brides Ministry, which offers beautiful secondhand and vintage dresses plus accessories, all with a boutique experience. Donate leftover food to Exton’s Chester County Food Bank, which accepts perishables. Offer your flowers to local hospitals, senior homes or shelters. Every decision counts! More ideas at Blessing Brides on Facebook.
Picture It. J.K. Rowling has said, “I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book,” and librarians of the Henrietta Hankin Branch Library agree. In February, the branch began Picture It! Book Club, a biweekly book club that invites adolescents and adults living with intellectual and developmental differences to experience the magic of reading through picture books. April meetings on the 1st and 15th, 12:30–1:30 p.m. 215 Windgate Dr., Chester Springs.
Books are My Bag. Independent Book Store Day on the 25th is the perfect excuse to buy books. Wayne’s Main Point Books will celebrate with author visits, giveaways and food, and Exton’s Wellington Square Bookshop also marks 10 years of business. Support other local bookshops like Phoenixville’s Reads & Co., West Chester’s Baldwin’s Book Barn and Kennett’s Macaluso Books. And shop local online, too, with, a digital bookstore that donates to independent bookshops. Macaluso Books on Facebook.