Event Categories
Week of Events
Sunset Hill Fine Arts Gallery Presents “The Seasons of Chester County”
Artist Don Shoffner displays his works at the gallery. Opening reception, Oct 4, 4 to 8 pm. 23 N. High St., West Chester. Mon, 10 to 4; Tues–Fri, 10 to 6; Fri, 10 to 5. SunsetHillJewelers.com.
Chestertown RiverArts Studio Tour
Choose from 60 artists on the self-guided studio tour, chat about their inspirations and see how they actually create their work. Start at the RiverArts Gallery, 315 High St., Chestertown. Noon to 6. $15–$50. ChestertownRiverArts.com/Studio-Tour.
Wayne Art Center Pottery Sale
The weekend includes handmade ceramics for sale, raffles, food and drink, live demos from instructors, studio tours, class information and more. 413 Maplewood Ave., Wayne. Fri, 4 to 8; Sat, 10 to 5; Sun, 11 to 3. WayneArt.org.
Delaware Valley Art League Show
Purchase original art at great prices for holiday gift giving. Benefits Gemma Services, residential treatment service for children. Newtown Square Presbyterian Church, 3600 Goshen Rd., Newtown Square. Fri, Meet the Artists Cocktail Party, 4 to 7. Sat, 10 to 5; Sun, noon to 4. DelawareValleyArtLeague.com.
Chester County Craft Guild Fine Craft Fair
Fine craft artists display and sell their handmade works at Chester County Art Association, 100 N. Bradford Ave., West Chester. Sat, 10 to 4; Sun, 11 to 4. ChesterCountyCraftGuild.org.