
Preventing Knee Injuries

Written by Dr. Charles Hummer

Keeping You and Your Family in YOUR Game “Hey, Doc, my knee really hurts!” As an orthopaedic surgeon with a sub-specialty in Sports Medicine, I often hear this complaint from family, friends and patients. Both acute injuries and overuse injuries…

The Great Outdoors Are Great For Kids!

Written by Brian Raicich

Outdoor Play Time Is Good for Your Child’s Body, Mind and Spirit. For many parents, childhood summers were spent outside and on the move. We biked around the neighborhood, swam at the local pool, caught bullfrogs at the pond, and…

Living The Good Life

Written by Steve Uhlenbrock

If you’re not satisfied with the way your life is going, you’re most likely living life “south of neutral.” If you’re clinically depressed or anxious, then you’re definitely living life way below “neutral.” Our goal is a life lived as…

Protect Your Skin

Written by Dr. Vicki Cirillo-Hyland

The best advice to protect your skin during the summer comes from our Australian colleagues: “Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek, Slide”! • Slip on protective clothing. • Slop on sunscreen with SPF 30+. • Slap on a wide brim hat to…

Modern Day Health Clubs — More than Just Treadmills!

Written by Kelly Strogen

We’ve come a long way since the days when a basic health club was limited to a row of treadmills and perhaps a few aerobics classes in a back room. Now you’ll find health clubs have a long and varied…

What Do You Do When Your Workouts Aren’t Working Out?

Written by Christine Thalwitz, ACAC

If you struggle to make working out part of your lifestyle, you’re not alone. Nearly all of us want to look good, be healthy and treat ourselves right, but the “exercise” pill can be hard to swallow week in and…

Relax – in the Dentist’s Chair? Discover Oral Sedation Dentistry

Written by Dr. Eric N. Shelly & Dr. Eric Fort, West Chester Dental Arts

I’m too busy. My toothache isn’t serious. I’ll reschedule my appointment for sometime next month. Sound familiar? Dentophobia—fear of dentists—affects more than 75% of adults in the United States. This fear often causes patients to become anxious and make excuses…