Monday, April 29 2024 12:47

Spotted This Week

Written by County Lines Magazine

18th annual West Chester Film Festival

This week, we spotted short films from around the world at the 18th annual West Chester Film Festival!

This fun-filled weekend celebrating short film kicked off Friday at the Opening Night Party, where we ran into local notables, including West Chester Mayor Lillian DeBaptiste. Then, we watched a variety of short films — Oscar-winning documentaries, inventive animations, local dramas, gut-busting comedies and more — at Uptown! Knauer Performing Arts Center and at special Pop-Up Blocks at venues around downtown West Chester, including Mayday Coffee Shop, Bierhaul and the Chester County History Center.

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To learn more, visit or read this article from our April issue. For the list of winning films, check out the festival’s Facebook page.

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