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The Keswick Theatre
January 4 - February 2
Jan. 4, Bubba Bash 2025 Celebrating Neil Peart; Jan. 10, Croce Plays Croce; Jan. 11, Lez Zeppelin performs Physical Graffiti; Jan. 16, All You Need Is Love—Beatles tribute; Jan. 17, Hollywood Nights—The Bob Seger Experience; Jan. 18, The Genesis Show; Jan. 22, Dirty Dancing in Concert; Jan. 24, Fan Halen tribute to Van Halen; Jan. 25, The Art Of Letting Go Tour with Myles Kennedy; Jan. 31 Let’s Sing Taylor (Swift that is); Feb. 1, Who’s Bad (Ultimate Michael Jackson Tribute); Feb. 2, The Price is Right Live. 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside. Times and tickets,