Tuesday, May 30 2023 9:43

Spotted This Week

Written by County Lines Magazine

Family fun at the Devon Horse Show

This week, we spotted tots and their lead line ponies, fun at the midway and even the Phillie Phanatic at the Devon Horse Show!

The 127th year of the Devon Horse Show, the largest multibreed horse show in North America, promises 11 days of excitement both inside and out of the ring.

We dropped by on Saturday for the under-3 and under-5 lead line classes. While we were there, we also saw amusement rides at the midway, the Phanatic, the Art Gallery at Devon, plenty of merch and, of course, the iconic blue grandstand.

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Luckily, there’s still plenty of time to see the Devon Horse Show, running through June 4. Find out more on their website, or check out our article from the May issue.

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